A Weblog

Tabs I want to close

Managing Authorization Data in Microservices and more generally their Authorization Academy - This is stuff that I don't know nearly as well as I constantly think I do.

Understanding Database Replication: A Practical Overview - high level, but seems useful

Explaining the Postgres Meme - There's a lot that I need to dig into here.

How I Write HTTP Services in Go After 13 Years - I vaguely remember reading the original post and finding it really solid. These all seem like solid points.

pg-diff This sounds useful. I need to figure out what it actually does.

A Guide to Interfaces in Go - more in depth than I expected. Enough so that I would probably not send it to any but the very nerdiest beginning Go programmer.

Anemic stack traces in Go - I haven't really delved into any non-trivial error handling yet

Notes on Gitlab's Postgres Schema Design - lots of good bits in here. You don't see enough of this sort of thing that gets into context and reasoning.

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